Effective cleansing is the key to a good skincare regime, it probably doesn’t sound important and costs less than all your serums put together but it really sets the basis for good skin health. Here is my cleanser infographic from 2017 (feels like decades ago) as a guide.
So as I mentioned yesterday all the cleansers worked so well for my skin and I had absolutely no issues with any of them even when I used them consecutively, twice a day for 4 weeks straight! My skin seemed to love them. Yet none received a 5/5 score, unfortunately.
Points were knocked off for high PHs (6+ for all apart from Revision) strong cleansing agents (which by their very nature create friction and disruption on the skin to remove makeup & dirt and potentially risk having a negative impact on the skin- sorry to be a bah-humbug). Yet honestly speaking, all of them worked well and usually poor cleansers with high PHs are evident in simply how they make your skin feel -dry, tight, dehydrated. So guides will be guides remember to listen to your skin too. I’m not here to judge your choices versus the guide because at the end of the day YOU make the call and need to do what feels good to you.

In my infographics I note “be ready for some surprises” and yesterday posts is about highlighting those surprises 😊😊Truly speaking each one of the cleansers left my skin feeling and looking great but I was still left hoping that they had been formulated to a more skin-friendly PH so that I could use them with confidence knowing this has been taken care of. For me, a high PH is a deal-breaker on repeat purchases unless I have a workaround it.
Now that I have almost used my stash does anyone have any great cleanser recommends, I will be back in UK and Europe in a few weeks so I’m definitely thinking about what I can pick up whilst I’m there.