@defenageskincare Clinical Mini Power Trio⠀
This was the free gift given to me after my Harben House purchase last year (I bought a bunch of ELTA MD sunscreens) and to be honest, they always have some of the best GWP (gift with purchase offers) on their items. ⠀
2-Minute Reveal Masque ⠀
24/7 Barrier Balance Cream ⠀
8-in-1 BioSerum ⠀
This brand centres around Defensin (alpha-defensin 5 and beta-defensin 3 ) which have been causing a mini stir since 2018 for their remarkable response against ageing skin. This new category sits alongside Growth factors, peptides, stem cells in tackling skin ageing but with a different mechanism of action. ⠀
DefenAge explains this simply as “Defensins are “target-specific” molecules, which means they only work with certain types of cells — in this case, LGR6+ stem cells. Simply put, defensins “wake up” LRG6+ stem cells, prompting them to make fresh basal stem cells”. ⠀
The research also shows very promising results against mature skins 40-70 years of old: thicker epidermis, little signs of inflammation, reduced superficial wrinkles, increase in elasticity and hydration, more balanced skin. Impressive results that would make you almost think I was reviewing a retinoid here.⠀
For me, if there is one out of the three worth investing in, it would definitely be the serum. I took this on my ski trip in December and my skin just had an incredibly smooth textured glow to it all week, it seemed to appear smoother and generally “awake” and funny enough it’s the same word DefenAge uses in its marketing. Personally I saw better results with this versus any of the growth factor and peptide serums I used in 2019. **Note if you are younger than 35/40 you probably do not need to look into this serum as yet and you may not notice any visible difference to the skin. ⠀
The next product I truly enjoyed was the two-minute masque. It has the look and feel of a white opaque Titanium Dioxide rich microdermabrasion mask yet hydrates and polishes without the usual stinging and irritation associated with most skin polishes. The masque includes sugar crystals, papaya, pomegranate and pumpkin enzymes which makes it an enzyme mechanical combination exfoliating system and with the inclusion of squalane this leaves my skin smooth, radiant and hydrated. This definitely gives a great glow to the skin similar to a morning manual scrub or a recent Vitamin C mask I have been testing. It also allows for the Bio Serum to sink into the skin nicely.
Verdict so far 4.8/5 as I continue to trial it further with full-size products.