For the past few days, I have been cusping my hands and burying them in these gorgeous cleansers, taking a few moments to inhale their beautiful scents. ⠀
It’s been such a long week, feeling tired, exhausted, hurt, emotional, hopeful, angry, enraged and a whole bunch of emotions all at the same time. There were a lot of knee jerk reactions amongst many brands, people and organisations this week only time will tell what good prevails from all this #amplifiedmelanatedvoices .⠀
At the same time, I am feeling hopeful, whether brands felt comfortable or uncomfortable the immense pressure of this week literally forced upon us all conversations that were long overdue and questions we all needed to ask ourselves. I guess where we go from this is up to each one of us individually. To understand ourselves better and see where we can do better. To be a better pillar of support to our black communities everywhere. I know I will be learning, listening and acting even more so than before and pulling up for change #pulluporshutup something I have long advocated.⠀
For those of you who have been running on little to no sleep all week, I hope you manage to get some rest, recharge and a few moments to look after yourself and to end with my friends Blanche’s @thebeautybloss words “my hope is that we all move forward with more thoughtfulness, kindness and acceptance”. Take care my friends xxxx⠀
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