@henneorganics have absolutely nailed it with these lip balms and lip masks not only do they look a dream they work so well. ⠀
It’s been almost a year of using and testing them and where most of my lip products haven’t really made it to the feed or been favoured with long reviews, these lip balms deserve all the praise. I think our behaviour pretty much dictates whether we like, love or hate something and I have reached out for these lip balms the most this year. They haven’t completely cured my forever dry chapped, bleeding lips but they definitely provided temporary relief and overnight comfort. The sleep mask now sits on my bedside table for nightly use.⠀⠀
As much as I have been a fan of Fresh Lip balm for years, over the summer or in humid environments the texture would really become very melty with a single balm lasting me just under a month. The great thing about these balms is they really hold up well across different temperatures which is a bonus if you travel a lot. ⠀
The balms are smooth and buttery conditioning the lips whilst imparting beautiful hues of colour. Ingredients in the range include Organic Shea Butter, Jojoba seed oils, Avocado Oils, Coconut oils and beeswax. In short Ingredients known to nourish dry skin whilst creating an occlusive layer to lock moisture. Now fingers crossed @cultbeauty stocks them soon so that I can easily repurchase them. They also make the most luxurious little Christmas pressies if you are still looking for present ideas.⠀
Does anyone else have an exciting lip balm recommend?⠀
*These balms were gifted to me at the beginning of 2019 but the rave reviews are all their doing and hard work. ⠀